Filtering by: Dance

6:00 PM18:00

Seremoni Vodou

Pou moun ki pa pratike Vodou, twò souvan yo panse se yon vye bagay lèd. Se pa etonan: Tout kote ou pase, yo pale Vodou mal, yo banalize li, yo pase l nan betiz. Si ou ta renmen edike tèt ou e aprann kisa Vodou ye tout bon vre, kisa li vle di, n ap envite ou patisipe nan yon seremoni. Manbo Ingrid ap mountre ou sans vèvè yo genyen; n ap chante chante tradisyonèl Vodou, e n ap bat tanbou pou lwa yo desann.

Vodou Ceremony

To the non-practitioners, Vodou is too often dismissed as a primitive practice with strange connotations. It’s been sensationalized, trivialized and parodied. If you’re curious about Vodou and its real meaning, you’re invited to fully immerse during a live, heartfelt ceremony. Learn about Vodou vèvès, ceremonial songs and ritual drumming, and feel the Spirits invoked by a real mambo.

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12:00 PM12:00

Dans Fòlklorik

Se te mèt Yanvalou, se te mèt Rara, dans fòlklorik ayisyen jwe yon wòl enpòtan lè moun ap aprann istwa d Ayiti e ap dekouvri richès kiltirèl peyi a. “Little Haiti Book Festival” ap ofri yon atelye dans pou moutre moun diferan kalite dans fòlklorik e diferan son tanbou ki genyen. 

Danses Folkloriques

From Yanvalou to Rara, Haitian folk dance is one of the most expressive ways to learn about Haitian history and culture. This workshop will teach dances full of opposites, subtle and dynamic, graceful and ragged, the vibrant tones and rhythms of the drums creating calm, balance, sensuality, and passion.

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