Filtering by: book fair

6:00 PM18:00

Seremoni Vodou

Pou moun ki pa pratike Vodou, twò souvan yo panse se yon vye bagay lèd. Se pa etonan: Tout kote ou pase, yo pale Vodou mal, yo banalize li, yo pase l nan betiz. Si ou ta renmen edike tèt ou e aprann kisa Vodou ye tout bon vre, kisa li vle di, n ap envite ou patisipe nan yon seremoni. Manbo Ingrid ap mountre ou sans vèvè yo genyen; n ap chante chante tradisyonèl Vodou, e n ap bat tanbou pou lwa yo desann.

Vodou Ceremony

To the non-practitioners, Vodou is too often dismissed as a primitive practice with strange connotations. It’s been sensationalized, trivialized and parodied. If you’re curious about Vodou and its real meaning, you’re invited to fully immerse during a live, heartfelt ceremony. Learn about Vodou vèvès, ceremonial songs and ritual drumming, and feel the Spirits invoked by a real mambo.

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4:00 PM16:00

Ras & Idantite: Divizyon nan Dyaspora a

Ekriven yo pwal prezante relasyon difisil ki egziste ant imigran ki soti nan Karayib la avèk Nwa Ameriken ki nan Sid Lalorid: de (2) gwoup ki fè fas a menm defi sosyal e ki souvan sou anpil presyon pou yo defini idantite yo antanke moun nwa. Otè yo pral diskite enpòtans primòdyal solidarite, pou zafè “nou menm” kont “yo menm” nan kaba. 

* Yon prezantasyon an kreyòl ak entèpretasyon similtane nan lang angle

Race & Identity: The Diaspora Divide

This panel will offer insight on the strained relationship between Caribbean Americans and African Americans in South Florida as both groups face similar social challenges and are often pressured to redefine their black identities. Authors will discuss the urgency of solidarity, so that the space between “us” and “them” might finally collapse. 

*A presentation in Creole with simultaneous interpretation in English

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4:00 PM16:00

Estrateji pou Otè ki vle Pibliye poukont yo

Ou ta renmen pibliye liv pa ou poukont ou? Bito David gen repons pou tout kesyon ou genyen! Vin aprann sekrè ak estrateji pou pibliye, e kijan sitiyasyon an ye pou otè k ap pibliye liv sèjousi.

Self-Publishing Strategies for Authors

Thinking about self-publishing your book? Bito David has the answer to all of your questions! Get the inside scoop on publishing strategies and get to understand the “state of play” in self-publishing today.

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2:00 PM14:00

Esklavaj Modèn nan peyi d Ayiti

Keseswa moun k ap travay kay moun pou yon kraze monnen, keseswa peyizan k ap chèche lavi anba solèy cho, keseswa restavèk yo malmennen, keseswa viktim trafik seksyèl, lesklavaj modèn se yon gwo pwoblèm nan peyi d Ayiti. Otè yo pral esplike aspè ekonomik e emosyonèl pwoblèm sa a, epi y ap bay opinyon yo sou solisyon ki genyen pou libere moun ki an esklavaj jiska prezan an Ayiti. 

* Yon prezantasyon an kreyòl ak entèpretasyon similtane nan lang angle

Haiti: Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery

From underpaid house and fieldwork, to child slavery (“restavèk”), to sexual trafficking, authors will discuss the economic and emotional aspects of modern slavery in Haiti, share personal stories, and name the price of freeing Haiti’s modern slaves. 

*A presentation in Creole with simultaneous interpretation in English

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2:00 PM14:00

Ébauches & Banbòch – Yon Atelye Ekriti

Nan yon kad ki tout alafwa rilaks (banbòch!) e pwofesyonèl, otè Fabienne Josaphat pral moutre teknik ekriti ki pou pèmèt ekriven tout nivo rakonte istwa ak eksperyans yo kòm moun ki soti nan Karayib la. * Nan lang angle, franse, ak kreyòl

First Draft: Ébauches & Banbòch – A creative writing workshop

In a fun (banbòch!), supportive and professional environment, author Fabienne Josaphat will teach effective writing techniques to allow writers to give voice to stories about their Caribbean-American experience. *In English, French, and Haitian Creole

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2:00 PM14:00

“On the Verge of a Fever” – Yon fim Ayiti Imaj ap pote ban nou

Kontèks fim sa a se mizè, laperèz ak diktati brital ki te genyen nan ane 1971 nan peyi d Ayiti. “On the Verge of a Fever” (An kreyòl: “Nan gou medanm yo” / An fransè: “Le goût des jeunes filles”) se istwa Fanfan, yon ti gason kenzan ki vle fè eksperyans li nan lavi a, ansanm avèk zanmi li, Gégé, ki gen je byen kale. Fanfan se yon ti inosan manman li te kouve anpil, e vwala li vin temwen yon ensidan tèt chaje. Pou li pa nan pwoblèm ak Tonton Makout, Fanfan deside al kache kay yon bèl vwazin pou tout wikenn nan. Kay tifi a, non sèlman li pè pou yo pa kenbe li, men an menm tan li ta renmen reyalize pi gwo fantasm li. Istwa sa a baze sou yon woman ekriven ayisyen Dany Laferrière. Se John L’Ecuyer ki dirije fim nan.

“On the Verge of a Fever” – A film screening presented by Ayiti Images

Against the backdrop of poverty, fear and the brutal dictatorship of Haiti in 1971, On the Verge of a Fever (Le goût des jeunes filles) is about Fanfan, a fifteen-year-old boy who just wants to experience life for himself with his streetwise friend Gégé. Having lived a somewhat sheltered life with his protective mother, Fanfan experiences a bizarrely terrifying incident involving a Tonton-Macoute. As a result, he decides to hide out at his beautiful neighbor’s house for the weekend. There, he is trapped between his fear of being caught and the fulfilling of his deepest fantasy. Based on the novel by renown Haitian novelist Dany Laferriere. Directed by John L’Ecuyer.

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12:00 PM12:00

Literati Natif Nataf

Anivince Jean-Baptiste ak Pierre-Michel Chéry pral debat sou literati modèn an kreyòl, e rezon ki fè se kreyòl anpil ekriven chwazi pou ekri sou lakilti, istwa, refòm sosyal, idantite, ak tout richès pèp ayisyen. Otè yo pral pale tou sou divèsite ki genyen nan tèks literè an kreyòl, e jefò ekriven yo ap fè pou pote flanm lang kreyòl la byen wo. 

* Yon prezantasyon an kreyòl ak entèpretasyon similtane nan lang angle

Literati Natif Nataf

This panel will examine modern Haitian Creole literature, and explore why Haitian Creole is the language of choice for many writers who engage the personal negotiations of culture, history, social reform, identity, and art. The panel will also address the diversity of literary texts in Haitian Creole, and writers’ on-going efforts to reach broader audiences. 

*A presentation in Creole with simultaneous interpretation in English

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12:00 PM12:00

Rankontre Jèn Ekriven Nou yo

Mennen timoun yo vin rankontre twa jèn otè ki deja pibliye liv e ki se modèl pou lajenès: Edwin Bonilla (7 an), Kimbriah Alfrenar (13 an), ak Phanesia Pharel (17 an). Apre yon chita-pale avèk otè sa yo, timoun yo ap patisipe nan yon atelye pou aprann kreye liv.

Kids Writing for Kids + Bookmaking

Are you raising a kid author? Bring your children to meet seven year-old Edwin Bonilla, author of EJ’s Exciting Road Trip and EJ’s Awesome Adventure in Atlanta. After a craft talk with the author, attendees will participate in a short workshop to learn to make books.

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12:00 PM12:00

Dans Fòlklorik

Se te mèt Yanvalou, se te mèt Rara, dans fòlklorik ayisyen jwe yon wòl enpòtan lè moun ap aprann istwa d Ayiti e ap dekouvri richès kiltirèl peyi a. “Little Haiti Book Festival” ap ofri yon atelye dans pou moutre moun diferan kalite dans fòlklorik e diferan son tanbou ki genyen. 

Danses Folkloriques

From Yanvalou to Rara, Haitian folk dance is one of the most expressive ways to learn about Haitian history and culture. This workshop will teach dances full of opposites, subtle and dynamic, graceful and ragged, the vibrant tones and rhythms of the drums creating calm, balance, sensuality, and passion.

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8:00 PM20:00

"Istwa ak enpòtans liv (Lekti ak ekriti) nan peyi nou ak nan vi nou" / "Haitian Literature: Resilience & Sustenance"*

Vin rankontre manm Sosyete Koukouy ak konferansye “Little Haiti Book Festival,” tankou paregzanp otè Marie-Alice Théard, yon atis remakab ki mete sou pye Festival Arts nan Pétion-Ville, avèk istoryen Jean-Claude Exulien, ki se fondatè Teyat Nasyonal Ayiti ak COIN (Center for Orientation and Information). De (2) espesyalis sa yo pral pale sou istwa ak enpòtans liv nan vi nou, an Ayiti tankou nan dyaspora a. Vin detann ou, vin bwè ponch tropikal, goute manje kreyòl, fè lakonesans avèk otè yo.

*Yon prezantasyon an kreyòl ak entèpretasyon similtane nan lang angle

“Haitian Literature: Resilience & Sustenance”*

Authors Marie-Alice Théard and Jean-Claude Exulien will explain how books expand the mind and allow us to create new paths for ourselves, and why using our imaginations, and providing for others to use theirs, is an obligation for all, particularly Haitian citizens, in their quest for resilience and sustenance.  *A presentation in Creole with simultaneous interpretation in English

*A presentation in Creole with simultaneous interpretation in English

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6:00 PM18:00

Creative Cocktail Hour at the Caribbean Marketplace/ Little Haiti Marketplace

Meet members of Miami’s Sosyete Koukouy and Little Haiti Book Festival’s two keynote speakers: writer and artist Marie-Alice Théard, founder of Festival Arts in Pétion-Ville, Haiti, and historian Jean-Claude Exulien, founder of the National Theater of Haiti. Sample some of Ms. Théard and Professor Exulien’s favorite cocktails, listen to a few of their colorful tales, and make connections with interesting people, all in the heart of Little Haiti. Expect innovative art, invigorating music and “natif-natal” dance performances.

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"Écrivains en Herbe" Creative Writing Workshop for Adults
3:30 PM15:30

"Écrivains en Herbe" Creative Writing Workshop for Adults

Do you have a story to tell but don’t know where to start, or how? On May 29, celebrated Haitian-American writer M.J. Fievre will teach all “écrivains en herbe” the basics of a solid plot and provide tools that allow you to create memorable characters for both fiction and nonfiction.

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J.C. Exulien presents - The Importance of Books In Our Society
1:00 PM13:00

J.C. Exulien presents - The Importance of Books In Our Society

about the presenter

Professor Jean Claude Exulien was born in Port-au-Prince. He attended L’Université D’Haiti where in 1961 he earned a B.A. in Anthropology and in 1968 a B. A. in Economics. He is the founder of the National Theater of Haiti which opened in 1972. He came to Miami on May 8, 1977. He was also one of the founding members of Konbit Libète. Mr. Jean Claude Exulien is a well-recognized historian on Haiti. He currently works as an instructor and program director at the Center for Information and Orientation in Little Haiti.

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Authors Panel: Father William Smarth discusses "Histoire de l’Eglise Catholique d’Haiti"
8:00 PM20:00

Authors Panel: Father William Smarth discusses "Histoire de l’Eglise Catholique d’Haiti"

Father William Smarth in Port Au Prince

Father William Smarth in Port Au Prince

Father William Smarth, author of Histoire de l’Eglise Catholique d’Haiti 1492 – 2003
William Smarth, born in Cavaillon, Haiti in 1931, is a catholic priest. He has always been an advocate for the struggles of the Haitian people, culture, and history. He is currently a professor of theology, common law, and history of the Haitian Catholic Church at the Centre Inter-Instituts de Formation Religieuse (CIFOR), which he helped found.

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