Filtering by: Writers workshop

2:00 PM14:00

Ébauches & Banbòch – Yon Atelye Ekriti

Nan yon kad ki tout alafwa rilaks (banbòch!) e pwofesyonèl, otè Fabienne Josaphat pral moutre teknik ekriti ki pou pèmèt ekriven tout nivo rakonte istwa ak eksperyans yo kòm moun ki soti nan Karayib la. * Nan lang angle, franse, ak kreyòl

First Draft: Ébauches & Banbòch – A creative writing workshop

In a fun (banbòch!), supportive and professional environment, author Fabienne Josaphat will teach effective writing techniques to allow writers to give voice to stories about their Caribbean-American experience. *In English, French, and Haitian Creole

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12:00 PM12:00

Rankontre Jèn Ekriven Nou yo

Mennen timoun yo vin rankontre twa jèn otè ki deja pibliye liv e ki se modèl pou lajenès: Edwin Bonilla (7 an), Kimbriah Alfrenar (13 an), ak Phanesia Pharel (17 an). Apre yon chita-pale avèk otè sa yo, timoun yo ap patisipe nan yon atelye pou aprann kreye liv.

Kids Writing for Kids + Bookmaking

Are you raising a kid author? Bring your children to meet seven year-old Edwin Bonilla, author of EJ’s Exciting Road Trip and EJ’s Awesome Adventure in Atlanta. After a craft talk with the author, attendees will participate in a short workshop to learn to make books.

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"Écrivains en Herbe" Creative Writing Workshop for Adults
3:30 PM15:30

"Écrivains en Herbe" Creative Writing Workshop for Adults

Do you have a story to tell but don’t know where to start, or how? On May 29, celebrated Haitian-American writer M.J. Fievre will teach all “écrivains en herbe” the basics of a solid plot and provide tools that allow you to create memorable characters for both fiction and nonfiction.

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